Spot on, Sonny Jim
Spot on, Sonny Jim
Or what we here in Canada call our Sunday best
Seriously. He's essentially been my Pikachu traveling with me the whole game, never being taken out of my party. I imagine him never wanting to be in his pokeball and just walking around with me all the time. Take back Charizard, Pangoro I choose you!
So who was the dude on the tambourine....because he nailed it.
The only thing this makes me think of is WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE NO DUNGEON CRAWLERS ON THE 3DS? Seriously, Heroes of Ruin just ain't good enough.
This TOTALLY explains project Morpheus.
They might have to before an alarmist news article pops up to warn mothers everywhere
EVERYBODY likes to mix things up.
Probably, though I doubt the next handheld will have two screens. I'm guessing the it'll be a 2DS styled one screen tablet thing. Backwards compatible with the 3DS, though probably a mostly digital system.
Take note Nintendo, this is what I expect once you finally release DS games on the Wii U (actually, I expect to be disappointed).
Sales, Sales, Sales. Kids will be out of school in the summer and will be dying for a new game, so aside from the droves of adults buying the game anyway because of hype, there'll be tons of kids buying too. Then once Xmas time rolls around most Wii U owners will likely pick it up, and tons will be sold as Xmas gifts…
I would have been right there agreeing with you until I got my hands on a 2DS, it's just so damn sturdy feeling. My giant man mitts cradle it perfectly, my sausagey fingers nestled against the almost console sized L and R buttons. I tried going back and playing Street Fight IV on an XL and nearly dropped it twice.
Either you're 12 years old or you have no soul.
For me it's the intro that kills it. I HATE THAT DAMN INTRO MUSIC.
Kids STILL love Archie comics. Easily digestible storylines (for the most part) and the seem to mix in older comics with newer ones, so while one 10 page story may still have Archie in his old model-T lookin' car, others have kids with cellphones, talkin' bout gay rights, and other more current issues.
Hey at least he *can* be unlocked solely by your own effort, unlike 99% of games post the rise of dlc.
Seriously, it really doesn't mean much when well intentioned consumers raise their voice, they'll never speak louder than the almighty dollar in washington, but if one corporation goes head to head against another at least you can assume people in power will take notice.