Ah yes, totally forgot about that.
Ah yes, totally forgot about that.
Yay for the main character being a person of colour, I think the last Native American protagonist in a AAA game was the lead in Prey. I'm surprised they didn't use the story of the two wolves in this game, as it would have fit in so perfectly with the theme of duality.
mind if I ask why? many of my favourite shows are/were on fx it seems like a great place.
I don't imagine that they'll have more exclusives for very long. Titanfall is clearly being developed to be a multiplatform franchise, and nothing against MS but they have no Japanese love. In the long term ps4 will likely have many more exclusives unless MS wants to pay
Agreed, I have a still healing blister on my thumb from playing a few hours of Street Fighter II
I hate Nukinja so much I may just switch to polygon and joystiq and only check back here now and then to see if there's a new snacktaku up
Such a shame. I played d2 on and off for about a decade. But with d3 I got sick of it within 2 months and haven't touched it since.
It would be pretty great, they'd never have to deal with actual puppets
Not at any big stores, but there's a few great game shops in my city that are crazy good for trading in games and you've got the ability to haggle on price.
I'm assuming well be hearing about his kickstarter project Fortressvania very soon.
Drag and release attacking, turn based, hats ?
Funnily enough I am way more excited about this game than I was for brawl. I mean, silly characters? Lets be frank here, few of Nintendo's characters look like the belong anywhere near a fighting game. I mean, Wii Fit trainer and Little Mac look closer to standard fighters than Kirby or Mario do. And at least I know…