Wasn't there an accessory for that that printed out stickers of your pictures? It'd be terrible to have your picture slapped on every locker at school.
Wasn't there an accessory for that that printed out stickers of your pictures? It'd be terrible to have your picture slapped on every locker at school.
Just walked into a wal mart, grabbed a cheap tv for my girlfriend and a 2ds for myself. Took like two minutes. Oh, Canada.
of course no one would be upset getting this as a gift. But there's little incentive to buy one for yourself if you've been holding off on it.
Spot on, old chap!
It really is just concentrate fun in disc form. I nearly gave up on nintendo last gen, waggle was NOT for me, and there were so few non waggle games. But this? Damn if it isn't the funest game I've played all year.
Awesomesauce, I would watch the ever loving fuck outta this.
Is it just me or do all xb1 games include some kind of microtransaction? Forza, Ryze, Killer Instinct.... it just feels like you know, you're already asking consumers to spend at least $100 more than the competition, why risk pushIng them away with e-panhandling?
A shame really that you missed out on enjoying one of the greatest games from the last gen. I'd never played a fallout either but I absolutely adored the style and setting of the game listening to the Ink Blots sing while blasting mutants to bits was heavenly.
There's Sandy Hook deniers? Kill 'em all and let God sort it out.
Oh God, Gunbound. I can't tell you how many classes I skipped to go play at the local internet cafe with the other ne'er-do-wells from school.
I eagerly await the nail biting film version where you're played by Benedict Cumberbatch.
"I'll take the five dollar foot long sandwich, and this 20 dollar foot long...apparatus."
Well, not really right? I mean sure, Jubilee would die from a bullet, but Phoenix would obliterate you before you could pull a trigger. Iceman or Colossus could pretty much shield themselves from any standard bullet. Wolverine has been shot an innumerable amount of times. Cyclops would of course die, because fuck…
Oh God, how I miss the manual insert from the days of yore. I used to tear open the packaging of every game on the bus ride back home and eagerly absorb every bit of information I could before playing the game. I did love how the recent earthbound rerelease included an easily accessible guide to use during play.
I would never actually WEAR these shoes, not my style, but this is hella sweet, 1980's me would be all over this.