
What about eating off the floor?

I don't think so, I think it helps it more. After seeing all those giant monsters and robots, I really want another big budget big monster film right now.

Oh thank Christ. I was so worried no one would drag out that dead horse.

Welp. That's three disappointments Kotaku. No Ys? No Soul Sacrifice? No Rayman? No Dokuro? No Uncharted? I can understand not having them all, I really do, but Spelunky? LBP Vita? Super Stardust Delta? Hotline Miami? Not saying those are bad games, but they definitely aren't the best the Vita has to offer. I swear


Where's Soul Sacrifice? While not perfect, it's actually a pretty fun game.

I call BS since Soul Sacrifice isn't on this list. It has one of the best stories and the game play is mostly solid. Plus, its by Inafune, who showed his genius in this game.

Right now there is a man-made object waiting patiently to spear an incredibly fast moving comet so that it can hitch a ride. As terrible as we can be as a species sometimes, we are the fucking bomb. Your move bears.

Why should I trust these guys with my e-mail addresses?

Even the new pope advocates that you respect and love even atheist (not as an atheist, but more as a fellow human being) despite them having a different views on the matter.

Also I'd like to mention how much I like the new pope. (I'm not a Christian), but the guy seems swell.


Now playing

I challenge Kotaku and all of the internet to sing commands to their PS4/XB1, get 100% accuracy, and sound pleasant (the guy in the video is quite aware that he sounds awful):

I actually think she was kind of being a dick about it. He had five minutes left!

As someone who's primarily a PC gamer, please stop. I know I speak for at least a few others.

It's pretty simple: PS4 for gamers. Xbox One for entertainment buffs (like my bro, he's more interested in plugging his cable box into a console).

Kirk Hamilton can see the importance of graphical quality between the PS4 and Xbox One...

Now playing

There are plenty of feels in plenty of games, but per capita, none compare to Metal Gear Solid 4. The final fight between Snake and Ocelot is one of the best there is. The health bars change to fit MGS I-IV as does the music, but it's specifically when you go from the upbeat theme from Snake Eater to the Guitar

No microtransactions in Resogun, Contrast, Killzone, or Knack...

LOL I'm at work now, and I'm expecting a raise. Someone must've really like the vid.