
If Bay made them look literally like this, it would look retarded in a live action film...

The one major thing I am noticing is the lack of artifacts around foliage and quick movements, that is already a huge improvement.

I think you've figured it all out.

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Its not the same if this isn't playing in the video:

There is is all ready a terrifying Robot ... Hint its not the guy with the tubes.

There is no logical reason behind it. Simply put: it is because its from EA and because it is not Steam.

Have you played Infamous SS? That game looks better then most games on PC. Its still the beginning. Give it some time. I always think, are people so young. The dont remember past console launches. Look at Infamous SS now and think, what games will look like 5 years from now. Its just watch dogs. They obviously didnt

See this?

You and I would be the most disturbing looking castaways if we were ever on a plane and it crashed on an island. They would find us and be so thrown off by our beard growth that they would question the length of our tenancy on the island

Like this?

Cats are just bigger pieces of shit.

So original Nick Fury then? O:

Snake is about to stab this guys ass

Bet it took longer to draw and color this than it takes to complete Ground Zeroes.

Someday when all the helium is gone, we'll look back at this event is low deep voices and sigh...

All that wasted Helium....

What a terrible waste of helium. Thanks humanity.

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Here's all the other adventures of Action Movie Kid in one easy video :)

The best part of this is seeing how respectful his kids are and how fortunate they are to have a dad that takes time to teach them things instead of relying on a decaying educational system. Not saying there are parents who don't take time like this, but from what I have witnessed there are a lot of kids that need to

It has nothing to do with the air in the car. The phenomenon you describe is caused by the fact that you, and everything in the car, are moving at the same speed. The exact same thing would happen in a vacuum.