Dear Lifehacker,
I have a tendency to use a lot of filler words when I talk, like "um" and "like"...and I've recently…
Dear Lifehacker,
I have a tendency to use a lot of filler words when I talk, like "um" and "like"...and I've recently…
Don't I know it. But we'd been running in actual snow...not the slippery-ass ice in front of where they asked us to stop to answer questions. You're welcome, internet.
As the chick in this video, all I can say is that running in powder when there's no one else out at night is a shitload of fun. But stopping to pose for the local news station in the middle of the icy street hurts like a bitch. Glad it's as funny for everyone else as it was for us.
Getting a little bored of your usual workout routine? Here are nearly 100 workout posters that will motivate you to…
"Wow, they did it!"
tl;dr version:
that's the face of Lustful Cockmonster.
"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"
Oh, he knows some gay people so it is cool.
New Guitar Picks
Hah! Sorry, I just wanted to get us started but I guess I got carried away!
How are we supposed to participate if you've posted the best ones? :-P
But it's difficult to tell when you're finished when you use ellipses to finish your sentences.
No matter how smart you think you are, communicating with your significant other is never easy. That said, it's not…
Not familiar with malware one bit. I am surprised however that you guys are just now getting jailbreak working for iOS 7. I had my Nexus 4 rooted the day 4.4 and every other Android releases came out.
Empathy and sympathy are very different, and while neither of them are bad necessarily, empathy is about making an…
In 2005, Jonathan Coulton did something most of us only dream about: he left his day job in the name of rock. (Okay,…
Seven years ago, Gina Trapani founded Lifehacker—so it goes without saying that this week's edition of How I Work is…
"You don't get shit you don't ask for." ~ Jason Freedman
Reprogramming your personal workflow with a productivity system is a lot like programming computer software: given…