
It's in regards to stand up comedy but I think it applies to many things.

Now playing

Comments and article reminded me of this awesome gem. Thought I'd reshare

Actually, use of caps lock in terms of computer knowledge can be used as a subtle nod to the days when the the internet was only used as a form of knowledge transmission. There was a time when certain computers could only transmit in all caps, namely apple ]['s back when we used these funny screechy boxes called

I shared this article before I even read it just because of the teaser image. So I think it counter balances well enough then. Also nobody cares that you don't like that Lifehacker curses too much. And also nobody really cares that I said that nobody cares, let's just kill this internet recursion loop off at the get

Does mediamonkey play CDG, NES, CID, etc other formats that all other players don't have support for? I don't know so I am genuinely asking. I love listening to chiptunes natively as well as winamp makes the best free karaoke solution because of the advanced output module. I am dissapoint :(

I had no Idea who this douchenozzle was until I saw this article, so his attention whoring seems to be working. Plz 2 be ignoring him in future. kthxbai

Another fun lesson I learned the hard way. If your company fires you, goodbye to your FSA. I can withdraw funds for health expenses I inurred before the date I was fired but everything else, gone. Couldn't even use it up to the end of when my health coverage was done.

So they launched the highly requested app and it is incompatible with one of the current flagship Android Phones. No SGS4, No deal. Bad form microsoft.

There are some really good ones, they have been essential in quelling my alcoholism. The best that come to mind. Kaliber, Clausthauler and Buckler I have found them to be the best.

I planned the wedding for my wife and I because I produce comedy shows and I had a good relationship with the venue. Did the whole thing ring/outfits/venue/cake and all for under $600, the gift money we received paid for the wedding. Pulled lot's of favors and we also ran the whole wedding as basically a show, I

This makes me want to organize a FatMob at an abercrombie and fitch soooo bad. TO THE INTERNET!

Yeah cause CNN is always accurate.

4chan and anonymous are not the same. 4chan persecuted Adria Richards, not anonymous. If you are interested in knowing more of the history and good things anonymous has done watch the documentary 'We are Legion'

Wow way to drag up an old comment. Anyways I've moved on to a T3i with magic lantern and a H4n with a sescom cable. Cause why fuck around.

As a dude in tech, I find booth babes disturbing. I mean I'm here to check out new code and innovations. Why not put that budget for boobs back into, uhh I don't know more innovation.

That really sucks, those sound like bad people. Nothing to do with feminism, just people being assholes. Just cut them out of your life and find some more healthy people to be around. I am truly sorry that you have had that happen to you.

This is the best article I have ever read about feminism and equality ever. You have outdone yourself on this one Lindy. Seriously was getting close to welling up at how beautifully it was written.

Having been on the internet since 1996 I can tell you with certainty it means 'too long, didn't read'

I'm sure she did, it's a funny article.

"Molly Schoemann is a humorist"