
I totally agree. I think Iron Man 3 was the turning point for me. The climax was in the trailer and I spent the whole movie just waiting for that to happen. Wrecked the whole experience for me. Other than that I've only seen trailers when I go to the theatre.

Now playing

This was my favorite turtle game in the day

Berlin 1961-1989 "AC WALL FALL"

Always said World War I would be a great setting.

I think the 20's would be pretty fun.

Connor seems to have chased his target through a time anomaly.

I always wondered why there was a haystack where the hindenburg crashed! :O

I ran out of glitchy face characters.

I don't know if you'll find this interesting, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

As a genuine German, i don't get the whole "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE NAZIS!" thing. Yes it does, congratulations on your properly working eyes and decent memory for imagery. What are you trying to tell me with this statement?


I had the same experience with Session 9. That last line is chilling and makes you question the whole movie.

Jump scares are so lame. Full disclosure, they get me everytime, but give me something that sticks with me, something that makes me question what I believe and how I perceive the world around me. For comparison, I'd like to talk about one of my favorite horror/suspense movies called Session 9. At first, I wasn't

Gamers really are the worst though. We're one of the worst fan bases of any genre or industry in all of fandom and we seemingly came out of no where 30 some years ago. Forget the movie and music freaks, we are literally the worst.

What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.


Building settlements on occupied land is against international law. It was illegal when the Germans did it. It's still illegal when the Israelis do it. You only believe that the comparison is a non sequitor because you're an ignorant clown.

This game could not be more relevant for today.