Has anyone actually watched either of these edits yet? I'm really curious as to which one is better.
Has anyone actually watched either of these edits yet? I'm really curious as to which one is better.
Sweet Jesus! Which makes you regret your comment more: Dozens of people saying exactly the same thing; or people missing the point that you'd only heard of fan edits that moved scenes around and added deleted scenes back in?
Agreed. I've always loved the look and it's an easy well to sell me on something. I've tried to find a way to replicate it in Photoshop, but it's all micromanaging each blotch. That's not really what I want.
Rotary phones? Unless the person you're trying to call has a zero in their number, right?
I always love reading about these personal quests people give themselves in games. I had a Fallout 3 character that collected shoes but that's as close as I've come.
They stopped making good games around the same time they started making good movies. Though I prefer X-Men Legends II, Ultimate Alliance II was their last good game. It came out in 2006. Iron Man was the first really good Marvel movie and that was 2005. It's been fan-fucking-tastic movies and an utter shit show of VG…
I can't. I just can't watch this trailer. I refuse to get excited. I couldn't bear the disappointment if this game sucks.
I've only broken a controller once, while trying to beat the final stage of Bangai-O for Dreamcast. It would be take me between 5 and 20 minutes to reach the boss. The boss would kill me in 5 seconds OR LESS. It me took 36 tries to beat him. Somewhere in there I had screamed in rage and yanked the controller out of…
I totally agree. I think Iron Man 3 was the turning point for me. The climax was in the trailer and I spent the whole movie just waiting for that to happen. Wrecked the whole experience for me. Other than that I've only seen trailers when I go to the theatre.
The 90's were truly the Age of Beat'em Ups.
I don't recall playing a single Japanese game to date that had major issues.
That's not really an excuse. Even if a rice cooker could get updates people would demand their money back. That's not even an option for us.
I don't really see what the fuss is about. It's in South Korea. They have literally no impact on our culture or lives in the west.
I had the same experience with Session 9. That last line is chilling and makes you question the whole movie.
You should change your story. Garbage is way funnier.