
I totally agree. I think Iron Man 3 was the turning point for me. The climax was in the trailer and I spent the whole movie just waiting for that to happen. Wrecked the whole experience for me. Other than that I've only seen trailers when I go to the theatre.

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This was my favorite turtle game in the day

Life...uh...finds a way.

Yeah if anyone throws any bricks at you for not liking Heinlein's book or for liking Verhoeven's film just be assured that your opinion is right.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce the rogue demon hunter. The baddie played him, but his reasoning was sound.

Han, Purple.

Pocket, pocket, pocket, pocket, pocket, pocket, fuck it.

I was going to add this because I didn't think anyone else would. I love you io9 community.

I love this movie. It's so fun! I thought it captured the cartoon perfectly.

Cult following? Yes. Huge? Meh.

Far more entertaining than was given credit for, great musical scene, horribly wonderful acting and B-list cast. I watch it yearly.

So the dialogue is kind of cheesy, but that's also what makes it a cult classic and not a classic. The movie's premise is solid, the acting is solid, and it has the perfect blend of "oh no the world is ending" drama and crazy nerdy science guy humor. The best part of the movie though is the stunning cinematography,

Chronicle in my opinion is the perfect blend of found footage movie and superhero movie. I love how the film gets creative with its cinematography by having the camera be moved by telekinetic powers. It's one of the few found footage films that get the cinematography right.

In Bruges. That movie made me to go there and I was giggling half of the time. Plus, it has a brilliant Ralph Fiennes!

Seriously, if you haven't seen this yet, do yourself a favor and watch it. It's so stylized that it probably could never be done again. And the build up to the final fight scene...well, if all you gamers out there know what a mirror match is, then this movie is definitely for you.

This wonderful masterpiece.