
Five years of art school and I think I could do that... maybe. If I tried. Really hard.

I’d actually be more impressed if Calendar man had something to say in Arkham City

Okay, does this mean prices are gonna drop or suddenly skyrocket? ‘Cause I’ve been meaning to get one for a while to play some of my favs on a bigger screen, but didn’t really think it was worth 40 bucks.

Saizou: You’re...the assassin from Nohr, Belka aren’t you?
Belka: ...Did you want something? Hoshido’s ninja...Saizou.
Saizou: Oh...? It seems that we already know one another’s names.
Belka: Yes...the name Saizou of Hoshido is widely known in the Kingdom of Nohr. The next king’s faithful retail...As well as an assassin

I can’t be the only one who feels like they’re looking at an anime BB-8

I need a montage of all the characters doing Karin’s “OHHH-HO-HO” laugh

This is literally the only reason I wanted to play this game.

The Final Fantasy VII director explained that since they won’t be dividing up the game, the substance of the original won’t be cut, and Square Enix can then take that substance and do a full-on remake.

Aw man, if I buy Lightning Returns on the 10th, I won’t have enough money to buy Lightning Returns on the 17th....

Oh, so you want us to just emulate our old games on PC like we have been? Gotcha.

I once spent 10 minutes trying to get a bottle to stand up straight on a shelf before ragequitting the game.

Does anyone else turn anti-aliasing all the way off? It’s always a huge boost in framerate and I’m only losing an effect I will never ever notice unless I’m looking for it.


Artwork can be copied without being traced. A few lines matching up/not matching up doesn’t really matter. There’s a possibility it’s meant as an homage or a reference, but unless the artist had express permission from Tsukasa Hojo, he’s doing something incredibly shitty by appropriating Hojo’s artwork virtually

Bought mine off Green Man Gaming. Fingers crossed that they’ll honor this, but I’m not holding my breath.

What a pretty, glowing sea penis.

I don’t get it

Coates—who, for the record, I’m friendly with but haven’t hung with in, like, years