
Didn’t they already do this with the guy who played Bruce Lee?

I actually got pretty good at sneaking right up to her and just CQCing her scrawny butt. The trick is to move forward while keeping an obstacle between the two of you (rocks, pillars, trees). If she doesn’t see you move, she’ll lose track of you completely.

They could afford David Bowie but not the Happy Birthday song?

I meant that I’m glad she didn’t try to look anything like this nonsense:

I love that the girl playing Quiet barely even tried to cosplay properly.

Do they let you play with the dog.

Do they let you play with the dog.

What system are you playing on? I’m angling for the PC version, but some recent releases have made me nervous....

I can’t be the only person who thinks this looks really cool.

And Chloe in Life is Strange

I always found it weird that in first person games, your guy is always about 4 feet tall.

I’m starting to feel like I should have put “historical inaccuracy” in quotes.

Is anyone losing their shit about female knights and historical inaccuracy yet?

How the heck does she know where to go?

Has the main guy been wearing the same outfit everyday since he was, like, 3?

This game has over a million sales....

Went to school with this guy. That was intimidating as hell.

I refused, and in retrospect, I’m not happy with that decision. She’s rightly upset with you. She’s in pain, she’s horrifyingly alone and, as unfair as it is, she is a massive burden on her parents. Her death is inevitable and things only get the worse the longer she forces herself to go on. At the time, I thought,

So, did he... did he poop it out, or...?

Oh, wonderful. I thought I would skip the silly dancing game, but since it apparently has a plot I guess I’ll have to BUY YET ANOTHER DAMN PERSONA SPINOFF