

I was too busy praying they wouldn’t announce it as an exclusive to enjoy it properly.

So wait, should we still be applying the usual licensed game caveats or no?

Now playing

Has no one done a Witcher x Men Without Hats video, yet?

What is Tilda Swinton?

What an interesting way to do laundry.

“How can you hate a game that opens with a dance number?”

I’ve had extremely talented instructors who’ve been doing this for decades who still need tools to do mechanical parts. Not to mention all the perspective that needs to be worked out first. What this guy is doing is superhuman.

But the cat and the dog people? Those he did not encounter in the military.

Only RPG I’ve ever played that promised and delivered over 100 hours of content that didn’t feel like mindless filler.

No joke, when that photo popped up on the feed, I really thought she was a really well done action figure.

If he’s not actually meant to be in the game, that’s a really bad use of reference. Using photos for lighting, poses, anatomy, composition, whatever. That’s all fine. But, straight up lifting a design is a HUGE no-no.

I get the feeling that they really wanted to do Gangs of New York, and are kind of regretting squandering the location.

Last year, Igarashi first talked to Kotaku when he announced was leaving Konami. The Tokyo-based game company had taken him off the Castlevania series and had him making social games.

The tech is cool and all, but why Pocahontas music?

People like to say that, but it’s never really been true outside of the insecure 14yo boy demographic.

Have Conan’s ears always been that pointy?

Other places are reporting suicide. It’s being claimed by some that it was a result of online harassment focused on her being transgender, but there seems to be some contention on that. I think Kotaku wants to avoid taking away from the tragedy of this by using her identity as a means to talk about bullying again.

I guess the lesson here is that everyone is gay for Naoto.

I’m not the only straight guy who found her super attractive even before you find out she’s a girl, right?