
Man, I remember talking with Jesse McGibney years ago when he was just posting modern soldiers with elf ears and a bunch of guns on Penny Arcade's art forums. I hate it when old friends get successful and make me feel inadequate.

So, I guess they're all masked thieves? Would explain the cover, platforming and sneaking mechanics. Also, the protagonist doesn't seem to be the blank slate that the last two were. Obvious plot stuff happening directly to him at the end, with him showing clear (crazy) emotions. Interesting, he might have his own

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHwait is it just me, or does the player character seem to have some kind of personality? That's... odd....

Wait, isn't this the train station where Harry met Dumbledore after he died in Deathly Hallows? Is there an anime Hogwarts? Where all the wizards and witches have to go through a transformation sequence before they can cast wingardium leviosa?


I just remembered that I bought Guild Wars 2, like, 2 or 3 years ago. Pretty sure I only played it for about a week.

Apparently, they're gonna give me six months of PS+, since I didn't take advantage of the Welcome Back thing. I'm still waiting for someone to pull the rug out from under me and tell me I'm not eligible somehow.

Why isn't this much effort put into HD re-releases? I'm playing through the Metal Gear series again and I swear that Snake and Raiden's textures are the only ones they did any work on, and they're still ridiculously low res.

Nice job resisting the urge to be a smartass and calling it a Playstation One.

It's Nick Fury. That's just what he looks like from the back.

Why are i7s suddenly making spec recommendations? Last I heard, they didn't offer any gaming related advantages over equivalent i5s.

I did it with 4 years of my life and $50,000 of student debt.

Was that Balthier's voice I heard coming from the posh dude in the car?

It's worse on PC. Origin likes to complement every achievement popup with a 1998 ringtone with the volume turned all the way up. And there is absolutely no way to turn it off.

I just realized I bought the Unfinished Swan, like, two years ago and never played it.

There's also apparently a bug that prevents you from doing Dorian's personal quest. For some reason, Mother Giselle never shows up in the throne room to start it. Real shame, since Dorian is one of the most fun characters.

Great. So now I have to wait 3 and 1/2 months before I have a reason to plug in my PS4 again.


The two Dark Souls games both had nice little mods that changed all the XBox prompts to PS3/4. I haven't seen any other games get that bit of attention, though. It'd be nice if game devs put in a PS4/XBox UI toggle, but I'm assuming there's some sort of copyright nonsense that's preventing it.

I'm not going to watch the video. I want to believe this article is from another reality where Hogwarts is real. I don't want to know that it's really just a bunch of dudes running around with brooms between their legs pretending that they're magic.