
Does your watch keep track of that kind of thing? Why do you even have a watch? Your phone pretty much makes it obsolete. It probably even has an app that counts how many times you share screenshots for Project Cars.

Has anybody considered that the lack of playable female assassins might be due to limitations set by the design of the game? From what I understand, multiplayer is co-op only and accessed through the normal single player campaign. If there were a female option, you'd essentially have to create an alternative main

Nick Fury is suddenly white again. No reason.

Citing back problems, Black Widow gets breast reduction surgery.

Spider-Man gets trapped in a time vortex and when he gets out... he's middle aged!

Tony Stark realizes his alcoholism stems from the lifelong frustration of being trapped in the wrong gender.

Why does his underwear have a belt?

One real question before I head to class: Was it a technical or design decision to make all players share the same loot? I always seem to play with jerks who grab everything before I can even look at it....

Brent Friedman. Where did you find this guy?

Brent Friedman. Where did you find this guy?