What a biased article. Why not mention that the traffic only added around 1 minutes of delay. Turning a 3 minute ride to a 5 minute ride vs a 45 minute walk. Also, they were testing adding 20 more teslas vs the 70 they used in November.
What a biased article. Why not mention that the traffic only added around 1 minutes of delay. Turning a 3 minute ride to a 5 minute ride vs a 45 minute walk. Also, they were testing adding 20 more teslas vs the 70 they used in November.
That is not FSD beta. wrong visualizations. Mislabeled.
The autonomous features of the Leaf is what separates it. I really wish they had an option for a larger battery. they really dropped the ball on only 150 miles max range.
Why no mention of a lack of autopilot like functions that the Tesla Model 3 will have? That is a huge differentiator and makes the tesla a MUCH better deal for the same price and range. Still looks like the rental car of tomorrow, but the one that has very basic and 5 year old technology.