
Dunno why Trump hired Kal Penn for this role. He’s a terrible actor.

Every promo shot I’ve seen made me think there was a Last of Us movie. Man, Jackman would make a great Joel.

Cropped to optimize tits!

Thought you counted wrong, then I counted again. I get you.

I’ll likely get around to all of them, FE is a series I always wanted to get into, fan service or not. Character design is a nice bonus, but really I need a filler for the void in my heart left by the absence of Advance Wars :’(

You are a goddess.

Jumped into FE Heroes having never played a Fire Emblem game before, mainly because I saw a pic of Camilla. Rerolled until I got a 5* Camilla (along with a 5* Lyn as a bonus!)

Who plays in the water like that?

That doge shit is the worst. I thought it was gone and now its been resurrected. I am so irrationally irritated

Until I saw the detail of the drum above, I never understood how ammo was fed through the gun

There is nothing wrong with drinking milk. It did wonders for Leon! That and sit-ups. And lots of guns

Almost certain that Baby Groot will be an accessory or bonus to another figure. I bought the Rocket/Groot set from the first movie and potted Baby Groot was a bonus that was included when you pre-ordered the set. No chance they would charge $200 for that little thing

The Reddit user’s name - Tacoboutnachos - is FANTASTIC.

I thought the Widowmaker design was Taki from Soul Calibur

Christ I didn’t think anyone remembered enough to know what my handle/avatar was. You’re a good person.

No beef with her, just know her to write sensitive shit

Oh god now you want run semantics on me? No commentary needs any “mentioning at all” in the grand scheme of things, including yours. Yet you felt compelled to do so. Throwing stones from glass houses, homie. And you only said I “sound like” a dick, but you actually didn’t call me one? Please. The implication was

I mention a car in the background and that somehow translated into a red flag to you? Enough to call me a dick?

For all of you would-be fondue havers: do yourself a favor and forsake the fancy singular fondue pots and go for an industrial one with a double boiler system (liner resting in a water-filled fondue pot). Way easier to clean, and if not, it’s disposable.

Great cosplay work. I didn’t even mind the moving car in the background!