
missed it before but, his sig is at the bottom center edge

Is the cover for X-Men Blue drawn by Arthur Adams?

$31 for the singular complete volume on Amazon, treat yourself!


Stopped playing and won’t come back, but I’m happy to see you wearing the best jacket in the game in your screenshots

Christ you are a fking misery

That is a good-lookin’ Hard Light. One of my favorite gun models in the game

I hate contemporary FF character design. I’m not trying to impugn anyone’s tastes who dig this, it’s just not for me. Faces are unemotional and non-descript, everyone’s hair is the same (this is the worst with male characters especially). It’s like the designer is afraid to draw a forehead or something.


See ya


Donald Glover. He even already looks like a young Lando

When 300 released, I was very impressed by Snyder. Now he’s feeling like a Michael Bay 2.0


If this is a gif, it’s not working, but I know exactly what it says. :D

I saw the account creation options and figured the Google option would be easier. I stepped back once it asked me for my email password - didn’t make sense for them to ask or have. Been trying to create an account on but it’s been inaccessible since forever.

Yep. When I think of X-Men comics, I think of that duo first. And then Art Adams, just by himself.

Possibly. I just remember this being the first time ever having seen comic book characters kiss in an adult way (i.e.: not just a peck on the cheek). It was one of the first comic issues I picked up when I started reading and collecting, so my personal experience may be a bit skewed, as yours. I don’t recall the rapey

Your comment? Agree

I think this is the first comic book kiss I ever saw