
Yeah but you can make that chopper as an Engineer. I hope you two push on for the Raven Lord. Just treat it like a daily!

I'm envious of the players who looted it fast! Took me 9 months :/

Nice work on the 3rd try drop. And I can't stand Druids. Elitist, dirty hippies. Thank god I was able to solo it by the time I decided I wanted it. :)

Figured. The one-run-per-day limit was a killer. even still, it only took me 9 months. 4-5 years would've driven me mad.

Sorry to hear friend. It's my favorite mount. Super lovely. I hope that player who looted it got the herp.

I've never played a Pokemon game, but this struggle sounds incredibly similar to my experience of getting the Raven Lord mount to drop in Sethekk Halls in WoW (though I'm pretty certain that his hunt was longer and more painful than mine). If it's the same, I commend this gent and feel his pain and pride.

What movie is this and why does it look familiar? I'm stuck

I had to rewind a few times to watch/listen to that line over and over again because I couldn't believe he said that - it was SO GOOD.

If by "disgusting" you mean "super talented and very cute," then yes, they are VERY disgusting.

My absolute favorite FF game. Great characters, great art, a clear dearth of characters that look like androgynous k/j-pop stars, and a super confusing card battle mini-game.

I loved it all

How do I block this person on Kinja?

I just can't get into fishing unless there's an option to do it with an Arcanite Fishing Pole.

Freedom Fighters on PS2 is my favorite American patriotic game of all time.

So you'd say that gear for riding a sidecar (Ural) could be significantly less substantial? I've been bouncing the idea of getting a Gear Up for adventuring and maybe committing here and there. I'd hate to be overdressed for the occasion.

And I'll do the same. Thanks!

I was wondering why it was taking you so long to chime in.

Sorry, you're right, got my article titles mixed up a bit. The argument is the same though

No, it is bitching, and it is not misleading. The title is "How To Build A Fire With A Rock", which is synonymous with "How To Build A Fire Using a Rock". If you choose to read that as "How To Build A Fire Using ONLY A Rock", then that's on you.

Waaaaaaaahhhh you made it seem like you ONLY needed a rock

Great writeup, thanks for this Wes.