
Anthony Bourdain recommends the Global as a great first knife in his first book, Kitchen Confidential

Anthony Bourdain recommends the Global as a great first knife in his first book, Kitchen Confidential

Yes - GREY KNIGHTS! I know they get a lot of shit but they're so cool looking.

Roll a d20 to save vs whining internet keyboard warriors

The streaming player won because he took his opponent down to zero health before the opponent could do it to him.

There's a lot of whining in this thread. To those who found the article title misleading, I suggest you read it again:

Intercepting is best when communicating, and keeping up foreign relations:

Wow you really DO know everything! We're very impressed.

How is that all working out for you - knowing everything but getting character names wrong? Good I hope, you seem pleased

I've always loved the Junglas. But the GSO-10 is a verified BADASS of a large blade.

Wow I didn't realize anyone was still developing for PS1! These cutscenes look great

Where can I get one of those jackets?

"But what do I know, right?"

Good for you?

I hope he gets the herp and eternal pink eye

Might've been doable in under 2 hours if it weren't for those summon animations :D

The angled blade makes khukuris awesome choppers outright. I suppose you could baton with them, but they chop so well on their own already. Batoning makes more sense with a 6"+ knife, like an ESEE Junglas or Survive GSO-10

The shape of the blade is off-putting for some reason. Ka-Bar makes some pretty decent hard goods, though I dunno if the $100 savings is enough reason to go with this as opposed to a legitimate khukuri that's made in the motherland.

While I've heard great things about the CS kukri, I think you'd be better off with a more traditional khukuri, like from They have masked forum (accessible with a paid membership to and their goods are made by Kamis in Nepal, then shipped to the US. True workhorses!

I'm so happy you went with an ESEE. They make fantastic knives. Might want to also check out Survive! Knives.

For a moment there I thought Cards Against Humanity made a special edition orange set.