
Angst-riddled anime. This pretty much entails any show that follows the exploits of young teenagers.

Odd. Both Gizmodo and Buzzfeed shared the same sentiment with this video - both more or less said "we've all been there before." Do people really have valid reasons for getting this frustrated and vocal in public in an Apple Store?

I thought the Danger Zone was achieved by engaging the enemy below the hard deck?


Well if it helps my case at all, I was definitely Team Lisa

You know, as bad as the singing actually was, the songs still hold a special place in my heart. Her shitty songs were definitely a huge part of the Macross experience.

Whew. Just in time.

All this talk of giant robot games... I was going to mention the original Armored Core, but then I realized how much I miss Oratorio Tangram (and the Dreamcast)

I've missed Miyazaki! Happy to receive another proper film from him and Ghibli.

I cannot stand the Smurfs revamp. I'm really surprised there's a movie sequel - did the first one do well?

I haven't detected the creepy factor. What is it you see in him that skeeves you out

It's a great one. Definitely my favorite contemporary (counting from 7 and on) FF, though I still don't full understand the card game :/

I am so incredibly elated that you mentioned FF9. Even if it was just for half a second.

This comment was so stupid and unintelligent that even you can't warrant the thread a response.

Funny, I just got into a convo with a coworker about how I miss the old school vanilla WoW days.

I can see why developers would be apprehensive in doing something like that though. They run the risk of frustrating the player to the point where they just stop playing. It's a shame, really, because figuring out a system all on your own and then manipulating it in your playtime is pretty rewarding.

Absolutely agree. People like to explore and discover. This is one of the reasons behind why the world in Dark Souls works so well


No "lol" or "jk"?