

This comment was so clever! You're the master of wit. Please tell me how you come up with this stuff!

Completely agree with you - in fact I came to express pretty much what you mentioned.

Did you at least get to the gambling? I loved the gambling. And the large scale battles

I don't think it was intended for the player to care about all of the characters. The collection of the 108 stars is a story mechanic. If there are a handful of characters who said something interesting or you liked the look of, then great, you'll remember them.

You said Sandman, you said Preacher.

The first indicator of terribleness came when he referred to a game called "John Madden Football."

I'm familiar with the good that can come out of an event that entails the fighter gaming community. I also realize that there are adults who consider themselves part of this community and do not partake in the prickish behavior and commentary that the referenced kids do. But there is an inherent responsibility in

So did you buddy

Bad commentary is right. Seems like commentary like this is pretty commonplace whenever I hear it over a fighting game (like an EVO tourney), and less so when it's over Starcraft 2 matches, for example. I recall Kotaku posting articles about the fighting game community being a toxic environment in general. Just a

I want to hear more arguments and retorts from you. Judging from this incredibly poignant and well-capitalized/spelled response, I'm really looking forward to you showing the world just how intelligent you are.

The commentary about getting in line for the one girl at the pool party around 6:10 is pretty asinine. He should have left to go eat his steak.

I like where your head is at, friend.

Your opinion of the movie mirror my opinion of your opinion. Weird

When Mononoke and Spirited Away are brought up, I always feel compelled to add Howl's Moving Castle to complete the Miyazaki trifecta.

Yep, loved Centurions as well. And Air Raiders. And Starcom. And M.A.S.K. And Wheeled Warriors. And Marshall Bravestarr.

These were the absolute best. I only had the Death Star Escape, loved the hell out of that thing

Thank GOD someone else remembers Sectaurs. Can we get some love for Visionaries too?

Also to echo thekeith82:

Time Bandits.