
I'm down with the Firefly and Armored Cobra Commander fo sho. But for some reason Low Light and Lifeline were always part of my team whenever I'd set up battles with my bunkers made out of towels and boxes.

The actual manga was much more in depth, though I was pretty impressed with the anime treatment.

Ghost In the Shell. A bit on the nouveau side, but it was my first contact with artificials and consciousness.

So each category is judged by who has it worse?

In the Family section, I'm reading it as Spidey having it worse, but Daredevil's name is bold-faced

Same to you friend! Have a great day!

And my replies are my opinion, who are you to change how I handle conversations?

Look, I get your point. The thing is, the term 'iPad" has become pretty ubiquitous and synonymous with tablets in general. In addition, the author mentioned that the demonstrator used an actual iPad to showcase the functionality. Whether or not it was clear from the get go that it was a function that would work with

Hello neighbor :D

San Jose State?

That's nice that you don't care for the word butthurt, it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

*duplicate post

So much butthurt in this comment.

Shame. These announcements are attended by joyless people. Of course, it doesn't help that a lot of the announcements are awkwardly put forth :/

Because your commentary is inconsequential and does nothing to contribute to the conversation. You implicate the author for being PC-centric in your first comment, while your second comment implicates you for being a PS3 fanboy. The whole sentiment of your commentary smacks of irrationally hurt feelings, among other

Best iOS tower defense game, bar none. It's a shame I sold my iPad, I'm itching to play this. I might just buy it anyway because I loved the first one so much.

This response is so whiny. How do I block people on Gawker sites?

Sigh. Embarrassing.

My brother gave me a laptop that his workplace manufactured and showed me how the internet worked. I hit up AOL, then a MSN chatroom. When he left, I did searches for porn.

The title made me think of scenes of people being dragged to a sacrificial altar as opposed to a wedding one.

Is that fucked up?