
And shouldn't Strider be all up in here?

How dare you omit Legend of Kage.

How dare you omit Ninja Spirit.


That green camo on top of the blue camo is bothering the hell out of me

Though callous, I cackled when I saw that this happened. I read the original argument through the previous Kotaku article and really felt like he was being an over-sensitive whiny bitch. For him to take such issue with such a thing as a psychotic character's vernacular was laughable. I'm sorry he doesn't have his job

If you do think to let it go, I'd be interested in it :) Lemme know!

Fry's Electronics just had them in-store this past weekend for $175

You're an idiot.

What's funny and ironic about your sentiment is that one of the central themes in the game is "don't judge a book by its cover."

You deduced that from the title did you?


Yep. She's fucking beautiful.

Class went out the window when you wrote this asinine argument. The root of the post was about how people are idiots and felt threatened by this passenger because of his t-shirt, which used no vulgar or offensive language whatsoever. I've never seen the movie (I know, I know), but even I know the reference.

I'd rather play a game that looked like Spawn as opposed to Youngblood.

Yep, that was fucking exhausting.

Looks like an orc to me

He's exhausting

But... the bounty hunters were commissioned to find the Millennium Falcon, not Luke, per se.

You DEFINITELY got it.