
Nice work. That was my point. The net is vast and infinite, but it's still stupid, and still a waste.

This is the stupidest comment that can ever come up in any forum thread. You're writing just for the sake of writing, and it's wasting space on the internet. It was cute the first few times we read it a couple of years ago, now it's just trite and unimaginative

Play it any way you can, as long as you get to the part in the image above.

They weren't around for the battle at Yavin. Re-read the title

Amazon always hits the spot:

The video for Otis was senseless. Still, the girls in the backseat having a good time while doing donuts are pretty money.

Are you referring to the one where the girl is playing "I'll Be Home For Christmas" on the ukelele for her grandfather?

Lazlow is a badass. he introduced the world to Fernando Martinez.

Dear Cliftonix, you're becoming desperate for proper grammar and spelling, aren't you?

I dig the art, very intrigued by the gameplay vids I've seen. Don't see the book on Amazon. Do you have a purchase info link?

Now playing

DEUCE L00SELY. I'm the panda. The panda has a very lot of mysterious qualities

He knows. Settle down

Totally worked. We can still be friends!

I really need you to know the difference between "there" and "their." This is killing me.

The real losers here are the consumers. I love the Livestrong Nike gear.

I think the PS2 kept selling because of the PS3's lack of PS2 BC. If Sony would have just integrated the functionality in all of their PS3 iterations, the tale of the tape would have been much different for both consoles.

I typically don't call things "cute"

You answered a whole bunch of questions that no one asked

Can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure the woman is Asian. Some of us Asians are incessant about taking pictures of stuff. Like food. Annoying, I know.

Text messages that I receive on my iPhone also ping on my iPad