
Today is also Snoop Dogg's birthday.

Oh is it?

The original Suikoden is my all-time favorite RPG. I still have opened and sealed copies somewhere in storage. Sadly I was only able to play a bit of the beginning of S2, and then sold both opened and sealed copies of those on eBay for a few hundred. I was stupid in my youth.

Salvador has great comment gems.

Bee + Conference Call is badass. If you're not a Mechromancer, grab one for your group for deathtraps shield replenish.

This seems like a function of convenience and circumstance, not premeditation

What is there to attack him about? Read before you reply. He made an observation, and you're making the assumption (in an assholish way, at that, with your last line).

Screenshot looks kind of like Borderlands 2. Color palette, design, even the Bandit SMG in the upper right corner. Odd.

The absolute best intro to a BL2 character.

The spacing/formatting of the article paragraphs is interesting:

The woman under the bucket has a lovely figure.


I love how the Guardian review mentioned the TAR-21. That's one of the sexiest ARs I've ever seen.

I love you, Power Stone 2


Change just ONE letter in the title and the story becomes much more interesting

By Branca Menta, do you mean Fernet Branca Menta?

"To people who say the second season was two slow-paced..."

I'd read any comic that Mignola draws.

Just ask the man himself