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The scene in Superman 3 when the supercomputer converts Vera into a weaponized cyborg against her will. It's a scene that disturbs me to this very day — shades of a Singularity gone terribly, terribly wrong.

"Wonder Woman has gotten less patriotic"

You can exercise while pregnant, if your doctor says all is well. Pregnancy isn't an illness. It is a state of health.

AND she just did that huge show on the VMAs?

That loud sound you hear isn't the sound of applause for this move , it's the sound of the Ravens' collective hamstrings snapping from all that backpedaling.

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.

But then, maybe I'm just incredibly self-conscious :)

I haven't read his paper, but on the face this analysis strikes me as problematic. The email Pennebaker wrote and supplies as an example may read unusually because of the number of incidences of the word "I," but it's also a letter of introduction. How do you introduce yourself without referring to yourself?

Whether it was some guy taking advantage of a massive security vulnerability in iCloud or a cabal of personal assistants or Rocket Raccoon who did it, yeah, that a lot of celebrities just had their privacy violated and that these photos were apparently floating around in the darker parts of the internet for a couple

Still waiting for the Gizmodo feature on how it happened, the Lifehacker feature on how to make sure it doesn't happen to us, the Jezebel feature on how our culture allows males to feel that they can invade any women's privacy, the Gawker feature on how 4chan heard about the leaks, along with the TMZ call to get them

Closing on 7 billion, there's gotta be somebody who only their mother could love, and their mother is dead.

For real.

Having watched Misfits, Ramsey Snow is such a confusing character on Game of Thrones. I want to be attracted to him because I'm attracted to Simon, but he's so evil that I can't be. I have never had this problem with actors before.

I love how they built up this benign mystery of who Superhoodie could be. Then once it's revealed that it's Simon and you see what he's capable of, it makes you consider the influence of the groups' powers and their relationships in a whole different light. And it makes you re-think their individual potential too.

River's favorite word: Spoilers. I think the way that they wrote this twist out was amazing, although I know it's a controversial topic in the fandom. The Doctor's enemies kidnapping and further genetically altering the child of two of the Doctor's companions to raise her to be the only one that can kill him, only to

This is why I'm against fishing. It encourages freeloading Goliath Groupers that are too lazy to get their own Blacktip Sharks.

That. Is. Clever.

Is that so fucking hard?

Yeah, but "Politely Asked Permission to Use and Alter for Broadcast" is a mouthful.