
The fact that this guy got framed as a suspect in his girlfriend's murder while she spent a year (relative to him) traveling around with the Doctor and he never gets ONE APOLOGY from her makes me really hate Rose.

Charles Gunn from Angel, the BtVS spinoff. I cringed so hard that first episode...

It blew my mind when I finally realized Defiance's Datak Tarr was Van Gogh.

That is my favorite episode. I cry, every time. Don't ask me to explain it, just pass the tissues.

Oh, I love them ... It makes sense to me, but I grew up in a household where they were held up as the tip top of the sexy meter.

Supernatural fans are the worst .... says Supernatural fan.

It's not the perfect example of this, but I'm surprised nobody else brought it up.

As far as I'm concerned, there weren't any other X-movies between X2 and First Class ::turns up nose::

(And pretty much everyone else lost to the DeathEaters)

I'd say this is mine

They had absolutely no chemistry and still it was heartbreaking.

Oh come on:

Either him or

Doesn't it seem awful obvious who it was?

'Cause I'm motherfucking busy, that's why!

I think my most serious ragestroke of the clothing-a-newborn period was the "Brave Like Daddy" onesie. O rly? Brave like Daddy? Not brave like the parent who incubated you in her own damn body for 9 months and then had you cut out of her abdomen while she was still conscious? Not brave like that? Fuck you, Carters.

Well, Robert. I guess we can say you have some outstanding...war ants.

It may have a happier ending.

This is how I see our first alien contact going.

There may be some form of irony here, to the idea that a guy named Hydras ate a multi-limbed creature.