If you pick a girl up from a playground, you should probably check for I.D
If you pick a girl up from a playground, you should probably check for I.D
If you haven't heard this song by baby Björk you are truly missing out on joy.
The working late/butts in the seat mentality is so stupid. If I can get my work done in six hours, why should I stay the extra two hours? I'm not getting paid extra when I stay late to finish something or work on weekends or at night. The quality of work should matter more than physical presence for all employees.…
Idk how the idea we should sleep in the same bed with them became normal. Noooo. They snore and smell yucky by morning, every morning. No thanks. Stop by my bed for sex and snuggles and maaaaybe a nap but go back to your stinky man nest when I'm done with you.
I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.
I absolutely love my little copper baby stopper! It does make my periods a little heavier, but it's a small price to pay to not develop any squatters in my uterus.
original was closer to the book and i prefer Noomi over Mara.
I just don't have time for Macy's and its ilk. The store is set up to get me to wander around as much as possible and to look at everything from men's clothes to things more appropriate to my mother. I want to duck in and duck out, so I go to stores that respect my time.
Because females make up 50% of the population.
And FINALLY Jezebel mentions this story.
For those that don't know, normally, it is the men that carry the coffin(s) and they are also closest to the coffin, so for these women to do so, is a major act of defiance and protest.
A new startup that analyzes legislative data has confirmed what we long suspected: female Senators are more…
There's nothing wrong with her body, that's how a 47 year old body looks, if you're lucky and have very, very good genes. Why people should continue the myth that beautiful = young I don't know. Because as a species our window of youth is relatively small, and we'll be old far longer than young. That's a long time to…