The book is longer on the exposition which helpfully drives home Dougal's intensions better. It sounds different when watching it on tv.
The book is longer on the exposition which helpfully drives home Dougal's intensions better. It sounds different when watching it on tv.
Did that flashback shaving scene with Claire and Frank have anyone else hot and bothered? I couldn't stand Frank in the books, but after that scene I was almost ready to switch from Team Jamie to Team Frank. (Almost, but not quite.) And to feel that in the same episode where there's all the pscho creepiness with…
I will have to say, TV Dougal is doing a lot for me. He was amusing in the book, but I am really liking on how they're portraying him on the TV.
I'm fairly certain that I watched at least 85% of this episode through my fingers.
I think what Charlie is really saying is:
The poster for the new Annie film was released today and with a head full of red curls, Quvenzhané Wallis looks like the adorable, scene-stealing ham that we all love. You can watch the trailer for the film here.
You guys are arguing about trip prices, when you SHOULD be arguing about the fact that these pigfuckers get paid vacation days off, where you have crape and scrounge for PTO.
On the same day we're all reacting to a horrific video of domestic violence, Jezebel goes and posts this story with this headline, insulting the dignity of a disabled man who was assaulted by his apparent girlfriend and was very nearly run over. What makes this instance of domestic violence any less abhorrent than…
Bah. I learned the hard way that there should never, ever be fun times after boy chops jalapenos. Never, ever, ever.
It breaks my heart to see what they go through for fucked up fashion designers. I hate what people have turned my industry into :( Being a model was never easy, but whats going on today is just fucking beyond.
I can't even snark on this because I'm laughing too hard. Poor things. They really did try.
- My co-worker who spelled tossed (as in tossed salad) "tost" and also spelled cucumber "Qcumber" in total seriousness.
Bad news for anyone with both celiac disease and a peanut allergy: an increasingly popular ingredient in gluten-free…
I'm 40 weeks pregnant (today's even the due date, although I think it's not happening today) and this experience has made me even more pro -choice. Pregnancy has cost me several job opportunities, it's severely limited my travel and mobility, and it's taken a toll on my health. And this is a very,very wanted child…
I don't think I could have remained calm if someone had asked me a question like that during my pregnancy.
I used to work for a disability rights organization (this is relevant, I swear). The vast majority of people I knew there were sane lefties, with one exception - they can be really vocal and judgey about people who terminate pregnancies based on known abnormalities. On Facebook, there has already been some backlash…
Ultimately, The Mindy Project is Kaling's show, and if she doesn't want to tackle the issue, she shouldn't have to. She's the boss. But "abortion is too serious" is a flimsy excuse for such a deliberate dodge of an obvious issue that would face gynecologists, an issue that has been tackled successfully by other half…
I am a straight gal, but Jessica Williams makes me feel things.
"That Telly Savalas motherfucker".
I think I might want to marry Jessica Williams.