
In our little town we have a crisis nursery, where you can drop off your kids for a few hours or for a few days with no negative repercussions and for free. We have it for EXACTLY this reason, because sometimes parents/caregivers need respite. It has reduced the rates of children entering the foster care system in our

"Albeit a clever and talented one"

All of this could have been avoided upstream if birth control had been available like aspirin, and if good sex ed were given to, and absorbed, by all. Those things being as they are (shitty), hers is a limit case for many pro-choice people, including me. She may have well delivered a stillborn (which would make her

This person is conveniently ignoring the fact that every. single. flavor. of syrup used at Starbucks has hidden ingredients that the company probably doesn't know what's in it. This in turn makes her "argument" hyperbolic, at best.

Or just ask the person behind you! "Hey, do you mind if I recline for a bit? I've been up since 4am."

A lot of them do believe this. I don't really understand the need to try to flaunt your intelligence, especially since it seems like getting a Ph.D. mostly just reflects your ability to afford to not work for nearly a decade. I have a hard time seeing higher ed. as anything beyond flashy conspicuous consumption for

I love how often it seems like chefs are the last people who should be given open access to a large and diverse selection of knives.

I dunno- skinny jeans don't look great on people who don't have shapely legs, whether you're thin, fat, or in-between.

"The parent purposely put that child in harms way." Really.

Amnesty International has sent observers.

What. The. Fuck. is a civilian police force doing with battlefield weapons? I know how it happened: defense industry lobbyists. My question is who on earth thinks arming and equipping peacekeepers with this type of gear will result in anything less that the full spectrum chaos that Ferguson has descended into?

Man, this is insane. I really feel for this mom and wish she lived in another country where people are not bat-shit insane about requiring helicopter parenting (and maybe where there are more child care options.) I read this article about parenting across the world, just this morning.

Ooooh a number of reasons!

Hey, leave Kant out of this!

I just want to write dude, not dismiss bloody rape gif trolls every day. It is the worst part of our jobs to hear from commenters that they can't discuss, say, a teen girl being great at Little League without some person boasting a burner account using the collective comment thread as a chance to harass people.