i demand a recount.. on behalf of all the Zebra Cakes and Nutty Bars !
i demand a recount.. on behalf of all the Zebra Cakes and Nutty Bars !
Destruction Derbyyyy!! wooop
real talk... say that again
hey Lauren! just happened to be in the neighborhood.. stumbled upon my favorite io9 article of all time =D
soo.. did she win?
Damon's version is really good, but only after you go online to read the dozens of key tidbits that were left out..... and then watch it a second time
Four More Years!!!! phew...
Thanks Ahmad!
thanks so much!
wow! that would be fun to try actually... X-men style
haha, thank you! yeah we would Love to see that sequel. hey you never know! could happen =)
Thanks JAC!
hey! when i need special text (upside down, super small, symbols) I'll google "Unicode text" and usually there's a generator for it =D
indeed, thanks man!
aw Thanks Celia!! that means a lot =D
personally.. i think it's awesome ;)