
I use my headphone volume control on my iPhone as a 'remote release'. Much less bulky than this and you can listen to music through them.....

Could he do patterns with it ? Spirals and shit like that ?

Yep. I saw the Michelangelo's David the other day, it was just a big lump of rock with some bits knocked off here and there....

Here's a test that I did yesterday.

Always ? We used to have £1 notes back in my day. And they were HUGE in the 70's, then they got smaller and everyone moaned, then got used to them. Then they got smaller again...same thing happened...then the £1 coin was introduced and the note phased out. Guess what ? Everyone moaned, then got used to it.


The new Bamboo's have multi touch, so you can use your fingers as well as the pen which I reckon could be quite neat.

I have been testing mine for a good half an hour and I am quite impressed.

"Yet again Science Fiction becoming Science Fat."

Bamboo. Inkling isn't a tablet....

I am FINALLY getting mine today ( according to UPS ).

Yeah, I looked it up too after I posted. They do seem to be interchangeable yet have subtly different meanings as far as I can tell. I always thought that 'naught' meant 'nothing', as in an absence of stuff, whereas 'nought' was zero, as in the number....

Naught and nought are two different words, not interchangeable spellings of the same.

How ironic that their site seems to be down....prob just the hordes of Giz readers popping over there for a look....Maybe they need fatter cables...

Nice. Too pricey for me though. I'll stick with my Inkling ( when it runs up, and if it's any good.. )

Fair enough.

hmm...was that a spelling mistake, or a quite funny word substitution ? Be honest....

"another cog in the machine"...nice one.

Fair enough.

A little warning to UK customers re. price.