What makes you think they can accurately guess when the window would be and especially for a game with so many moving parts?
What makes you think they can accurately guess when the window would be and especially for a game with so many moving parts?
Hopefully you can learn to drop any release date expectations at all. Fans really need to change how they approach those and stop asking for release dates.
I don’t get how people read a site like this, which has a lot of history of going into how games are made, and still expect a release date.
If it’s aimed at adults hopefully it’s not dozens of hours long, too.
That’s a different conversation and one that certainly goes deeper than calling these shitposts.
I don’t get it. Seems like flow charts are a good way to break down concepts like this? Hell, don’t a lot of modern game engines do something similar now? Visual scripting?
I’m skeptical of what games you can run on such a device. If it’s Linux, you lose a lot of compatibility (though it’s my understanding this isn’t as dire as it used to be) and then you have whatever SOC this thing will include and we don’t know the capabilities of it. Depending on what they use that can introduce…
You can coordinate without chat. The main thing you need to coordinate in doing is becoming a ball, having your teammate become a ball, or setting up passes. There are button calls you can press to make this stuff happen. As soon as you get out of the early levels and get matched with more experienced players that…
This isn’t meant to replace a 5.1, 7.1, or Atmos setup, which most people don’t have in the first place nor is feasible for all living situations and that’s before we even get to cost.
This isn’t Kotaku this is The Inventory. The Inventory has been peddling this shitty site for a while now. Anything for a referral purchase
This isn’t Kotaku this is The Inventory. The Inventory has been peddling this shitty site for a while now. Anything…
Someone didn’t actually play RE7.
Have you been following this case? It’s full of absolutely agonizing details like this on both sides. This is what super corporate cases are like. Seriously painful to follow bit by bit. Basically, they establish a bunch of small things, and try to see if they can use those small things to contradict other statements…
I get it, you really like this anime, I’m not sure how this answers my question about when this drawing is from.
New management to do what exactly? The current management is making them tons of money with mobile games and MMOs https://www.usgamer.net/articles/phone-browser-games-square-enixs-2019-earnings
By “consumers” you mean “you” and that’s not the same thing as you are just one type of consumer. “Consumers” compromise an extremely broad scope of likes and wants that differ from yours. SE makes shitloads of money off their mobile games. People play this stuff even if you don’t.
I really hope this is the only game to do something like this where they add new content to the game but it’s not available on older consoles/versions. Having a next-gen version is fine as long as it’s just the same thing but with better graphics but to lock out people out of content who haven’t dropped a ton of money…
Create a filter for stuff like this. Automation is key to inbox zero IME and isn’t hard to setup with most email services.
How do these people look at pictures or videos of black people and the left side is what they get? Basic research would tell you that ain’t it. This was seriously something from recent years? That straight up looks like some old timey racist shit from the 30s and 40s in the US.
To add onto the other post they’re actually in both Nioh games. The appearances in Nioh 2 show some of the same events from the show although two different interpretations.
I started watching the show recently and that was my takeaway. Not sure where this portrayal comes from but they totally could have kept everything the same and changed this visually