
Loading a bunch of game files is not a sequential process. Sequential file transfer figures matter for pretty much nothing in consumer or business products and are marketing to people who don’t understand drive performance or for people who run benchmarks for the sake of running benchmarks. Gigabit internet (125MB/s)

How often do fan fixes make it into a game? I know it has happened before but it seems like most of these companies are fine with letting things stay how they were (Dark Souls on PC was never updated with its popular fan fix AFAIK) or they fix it on their own.

I don’t follow it either but there’s more than enough reporting here to get an idea of what’s going on with it.

How do people not know this? Their season ending and beginning events are always big news. Pretty sure every new one competes for the most watched event ever on Twitch when they happen.

I’m not upset at the situation, different markets at whatnot, but it sucks this info was buried so deep in the article. Some writers are good about writing about Game Pass and are quick to mention if they mean console, PC, or both, and some just don’t get it and either mention PC secondhand or not at all.

What does “demos” mean in this context?

Android was the primary platform the SOC was designed for, no? It wasn’t custom made for Nintendo. First party games get a lot out of it though.

Not a dev, but having seen what this game is like on PS4, it comes across as really poorly optimized that there’s so much compromise on the Switch version or that the PS4 version slows down at all. The same console that runs Horizon Zero Dawn has trouble keeping up with this? Overall there just seems to be less. So

That’s acknowledged in my first reply.

It’s a game as a service. The priority is new ongoing content.

It was likely on a list of stuff to do and they prioritized it when they got feedback. This game was no doubt rushed out and the devs didn’t have enough time for well... a lot of things. This game needed another year but given how much they spent on it the publisher likely put it out before it was fully ready. 

Are they going to let you play the DLC without needing to spend countless hours leveling up on mostly generic content? I’d like to play that content instead of replaying the campaign and I’m not willing to cross the grind hurdle. The game wasn’t bad but is no doubt severely hampered by shoehorning it into the

This would have been a better game without the Destiny-like structure. 

30% is the standard for everything but Epic. Valve only recently introduced some changes to that based on number of sales.

Based on how scant the Kate Bishop DLC is I’m betting that originally it was all supposed to come at once so they split off the Kate Bishop part first to appease fans who wanted new content. 

I really don’t get comments on sites like Kotaku which frequently report on the working conditions of game developers. This isn’t laziness, this is no doubt developers being rushed to put out the game, then additional content, all so it can fit the framework of another series that executives decided they need to

I’m not going out of my way here - I talked about all of their points directly and even gave my own experiences instead of hypotheticals. Do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?

There’s a “throttle downloads” options in the settings.

If you can run the game well or not is completely unrelated to game availability. People, in an effort to justify the money they spent on something, will defend that thing in a number of illogical ways. That argument doesn’t work when comparing multiple free stores on the same platform. There just isn’t an equivalent

“Steam’s controller APIs”