
Yes, I too referred to Diablo 2 as D2 at one point and then referred to Diablo as D1 after D2 came out. I’m not young, either. The context given in my post makes it clear I’m referring to Destiny however. Games share acronyms over time. This isn’t new or the only example thus why you should look into the context first.

Yall really don’t know about stoner nachos? I’m surprised that term isn’t used in the article! Maybe it’s a PNW regional thing

What exactly is their different take? The alpha definitely reminded me of Destiny. Mind you, I abhor that Destiny 2 has become a grindfest again like D1 was, so I would be onboard if this was closer to how D2 was on launch so that’s not necessarily a negative comment from me. Regardless, we’re not talking about any

On the other hand should they not warn people so they’re surprised when their streams get taken down via DMCA? I’m not sure I get most of the comments on this one so far. This has precedent. 

Now that’s a new one. This guy didn’t even get to the 7th word in the headline let alone the article.

Yeah, just keep delaying articles until Lifehacker shuts down from lack of ad revenue. That’ll show ‘em.

I just use Vivaldi where I can manually hibernate tabs. Do believe you can get that done with Chrome extensions besides this. I’ve always thought this extension was way overkill. You typically just need to hibernate a small number of tabs that are using a lot of resources if you’re on a laptop or other resource

These are all things you’d want to do to decrease the size of the install anyways. I like to keep my VMs light in terms of allocated storage (network storage is used for the actual bulk of storage), which can cause issues with updating, so a change to transparently reserving the space seems great to me as now I can

They updated the other article.

I’m not sure how you got “offended” out of this article. Bewilderment or disappointment is more accurate.

Speaking of context you had to remove some yourself in order to make this point which comes off as hypocritical.

This is a really odd thing to be elitist about.

I think you’re confusing “nostalgists” and “hardcore enthusiasts.” The former is the more casual ground will lap up any retro gimmick if it’s priced right whereas the latter is a much smaller group that’s into things like modding. You only get high sales (which Nintendo was able to accomplish) through sales to casual

Hi Kevin just to clarify here: You suggest using this over the “Rice” button? Are you sure this isn’t the exact same cycle that button runs through? That doesn’t seem to be covered in the article.

There seems to be some odd pervasive thought going around that GMG is just one writer or editor. I really don’t understand it. It’s not a new thing that this group of sites is split into verticals with different viewpoints or that writers can write about what they want within a specific vertical.

You did not articulate that clearly. You said “anymore” which implies at one point they did have more 1st party games. Especially with your follow-up of “now” in the second sentence. Neither of those games were first party at any time.

Products like these are not at all aimed at hardcore enthusiasts. I’m sure the ratio of enthusiast to not is higher since it’s not selling well (thus lower casual draw) but the audience of this is casual, not hardcore.

Tomb Raider and Crash were never first party. Crash was just a publishing/platform exclusive. TR was not an exclusive.

Not sure what this adds to the convo. Of course Nintendo did it better. This article is about Sony’s shortcomings and the comment you’re replying to gave a framework for why that it is. I’m not sure where your comment is meant to go beyond that.

It matters because 99.9% of the people who buy it aren’t going to bother loading more games onto it.