
I wasn’t a PC Gamer but my friends were all going that direction. What made me get a PC was anticipation FOR this game...

I am reminded of this,

If that dude Batman’s any harder, his parents’ll die.

I’ve seen his face in What If comics. Does that count?
I mean they don’t change peoples faces for What If books so that should count?

He was/is a Guitar Hero fan and I love Metallica. I bought the GH Metallica game and played it to death. Then I lent it to my friend. I let him borrow the disc so long ago, I thought Lars Ulrich might catch wind and sue me. He actually called it his in front of me. I disagreed and after a back & forth, I told him I’d

I’ve woken up early.
I’ve stayed up late.

I love Karma vids online. It’s what drew me to Call of Duty trolls. Its often fun and & games until they find, a jerk, a racist, or a booster. Then it becomes a pick on the bully vid. Warms my heart.
...just watch out for the trolls when there isn’t a better target to pick on in the game. Then they’re unpredictable.

WHOOOOO WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!! I'm gonna make a salad full of 100 dollar bills, throw some Old Bay on it, and enjoy some Jousting.

SR Dos did have outlandish moments but it was the fork in the road for them. Do they go even further into unrealistic fun or go back to their more realistic grittier roots. I think we are all happy with their decision.

One of the names involved in GamerGate is a writer for Kotaku. Would you talk about the position that put you and Kotaku in?

These games were always solid and reviews showed that, but the franchise lived in the shadow of games like Metal Gear Solid and never got appreciated.

Imagine if Saints Row never changed it's style to outrageous. If it stayed like the first two games it would have been forever compared to GTA, which people love more.

How is Team Fortress 2 not on here?

I argue with my friends that what the Matrix sequels messed up in plot, they made up for in spectacular action...these Exosuit/Mech guys especially.


I seriously want to earn real world hats. iId love to see kids showing up to class with increasingly funnier hats.

Someone remind me, cause I'm too lazy to look it up, didn't Deep Silver also have a hand in Saints Row?

I am willing to join the Pen 15 club for one of these.

Comparing Cyke to Magneto is comparing Apples to Crazy Apples. Magneto wants Mutant Superiority. Cyclops wants his people to stop being killed. Both will go to great lengths to make those realities true but one is significantly more noble than the other.

He had the full Phoenix force when he killed Professor X.

I don't remember him actually being a dick to anyone other than Wolverine. He didn't talk to Storm or Angel, the way he talked to Wolverine. And we all know Wolverine is a dick. Far as I saw it, Scott acted like a dick whenever this asshole Wolverine came by. But we like Wolvey, and dislike anyone who doesn't like