It's been a long time since I've been into the Silent Hill games. This announcement has just fixed that problem. BRING IT.
It's been a long time since I've been into the Silent Hill games. This announcement has just fixed that problem. BRING IT.
Yes, I read the article. I've also played the game multiple times through, and know that none of those animations are actually of rape. Doesn't change the fact that even with the rather large amount of modders in this game, this one in particular is especially easy to avoid. People should know by now what to do when…
It CAN be traumatizing, sure, but to imply that it can't be overcome is just crazy talk, because I've known many women who've experienced it and were completely fine..some of them still continued to thoroughly enjoy sexy things too. There are war veterans who've seen some really horrible things, but can still come…
1) This mod and the people using it aren't exactly being subtle, they can just leave the second they notice someone using any single thing they shouldn't be able to. Someone's playing as Chop the dog? Leave. Someone's flying a UFO? Leave. Getting sucked into animations you didn't want is just a consequence of sticking…
Yeah, consent usually does mean it's not rape, that tends to be how it works. Also, the player being controlled by this mod can just quit out of the lobby and find a new one at any time if they don't want this crap on their screen. Nobody's getting hurt here.
...I like Lara in a suit more than I probably should. Makes zero sense for what she does, but that's the fun of video game logic.
It's not even really rape though, because the animations are taken from a single player mission where you do some paparazzi work and spy on pop celebrities going at it outside, both of whom consenting to that act. It's only technically rape here because the player(s) may not want to be stuck in that animation when…
It's a cult of cannibals consisting of people from the baby boomer era, who claim to hate technology and all of the generations of people younger than themselves (despite having their own website in the game's browser and a couple of them own cars). You can find them in the online mode as well, as long as you're in…
Remember when people were defending this very same guy just the other day, because these mods apparently don't have any negative impact on the game or the work that's put into it?
There was an article about the mod turning you into any animal in the game, and I believe that ability is a part of this mod menu. So, yup, it would've and has been an article before.
The people opposed to this change are the people who play games with licensed music in them, whether for a living or not. In other words, the majority of Twitch.
Except that this is targeting in-game music as well, which is already licensed, only hurting the streamers who are simply doing what Twitch was made for. This isn't the same as making a movie either, as even the streamers who make money off of this are getting that money for streaming, not for creating anything or the…
They could also comply with _the law_ by giving users an option to pay a small fee, allowing them to play whatever kind of music they wanted. You know, the same way radio stations are able to do what they do.
The first real, solid evidence of the rumored Google purchase right here. (Well, the original JTV site closing was evidence too, but still) we wait to see if the partners get screwed by Google's programs for that, and then we start all over again somewhere else.
Well, can't say I was expecting this one. Still, great way for it to get some more of the attention it originally deserved. It was one of my favorite games of 2012.
They have fixed it. Multiple times, in fact, and then the same modders just make up another way to get around it. You'd know that if you paid attention, instead of calling people stupid because your own opinion isn't well constructed.
I don't remember them saying heists would be a day 1 thing. In fact, it was implied many times that it would be a long term kind of game; everything from Creator mode to entire new cities were described as things that would take some time to happen. It's not their fault that they'd rather make sure these heists are…
Yes, the modders who give themselves and their vehicles god mode, spreading mod money around, changing the models and triggering animations for themselves and others, giving themselves infinite ammo, and screwing with XP/leaderboards/other things are having a huge negative impact on the game, especially considering…
So, all of that extra work they've had to do since day 1 to try to stop people from ruining the game for everyone else hasn't had any negative effects on any of the good stuff? The fact that these people will continue to screw with the game while complaining that R* isn't giving them what they want isn't incredibly…
"Some" speculation? Isn't Dark Souls lore about 98% speculation?