
Hm..good points you have there. Yeah, the missions themselves leaned a bit too far towards the linear side of things, but that seems to be a flaw among a majority of otherwise open games - at least the ones that aren't necessarily RPGs.

While I don't believe absolute perfection has been achieved in gaming (yet, anyway), I'll list the first thing that came to mind, because it sure as hell came closer than most have, especially in the "current" generation:

This right here is why I personally can't stand a number rating scale, why I'm glad to see some of my favorite sources getting rid of it, and what bugged me the most when I did my own reviews. Perfect scores are misleading, and the whole scale in general gets misinterpreted; I can't count the number of times I've

Oh yes, the game that puts the worst offenders of on-disc DLC to shame. ($20 just for food, and food is a necessary item to keep playing? Bullshit.) Add on the perma-death, a record breaking number of corrupted saves, and the disgusting amount of grinding required to do anything remotely fun, and what's left?

Headset related question for anyone experienced with them: I'm looking for a gaming headset that either A - supports larger sizes, and/or B - is more durable and can handle heavy use better than the average Turtle Beach set. I'm on my 2nd pair of TB and once again, this one doesn't cover my ears properly and is

The thing that really sparked this ongoing search for a jetpack by a majority of the players looking for it is an easy to find drawing of a person using one, part of a bigger drawing that correctly points out a UFO location and other things when properly placed over the game map.

Right, but they could also come back and ask to have Xbox ads for Assassin's Creed or something like that on any gaming related channel. They don't own those games, and those videos could wind up on a PlayStation or Nintendo gamer's video who isn't partnered with anyone. Even if copyright applies, fair use laws mean

So I can have 200 subs and 0 videos and be a partner? Despite the fact that partners tend to be paid based on views? Uh huh. Forgot about the consistency required in views and content the actual agreement to become a partner in the first place.

It's not as simple as wanting it. If it were that easy, they'd all have ads because who doesn't want free money for something they were going to share anyway? Not always copyrighted material either (that seems to result in videos being taken down more than anything else lately)..sometimes all it takes is a decent

Another solution would be for Facebook to take privacy seriously. Blocking our info from random, every day people doesn't mean it's truly private. would be better if this person understood how ads on videos work. Assuming it was a YouTube video, only people in their partner program get paid for their own videos. The rest of the time, an ad was put there so that someone else can make money off of it, whether that's Google themselves or the label of a

I'm confused. The "old gen" versions actually look better in multiple aspects, like the mud looking like mud instead of brown, mysteriously dry gravel, and the dark environments not being strangely lit in more places than they should be.

Blood Dragon doesn't deserve some love? Good one.

You got me. I clearly have never played this game before. In fact, I've never even heard of it until this exact article. Oh wait a minute...

Well, looks like I'll be waiting for a complete MGSV bundle then.

I agree with the first part of your 2nd paragraph, I think the style is great. Not having the usual sidequests & such, on the other hand, is made up for by the lack of given directions. Without using a guide, a new player will end up clearing the same areas multiple times anyway while they try to figure out where

As somebody who just recently had Dark Souls bought for me as a gift from friends, allow me to shoot off some reasons:

imagine how much more interesting things could be, drama-wise, if, say, Ashley didn't walk out on Shepard in Mass Effect 1 when a player suggests that maybe he shouldn't have to choose between her and Liara?

It's a scientific fact that real football would be better with more flying elbow drops

Now beat Dark Souls with it.