Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager

Would everyone please stop crying about not getting the smaller system?

Wouldn't the #1 reason be: "I've never played it before"?

As someone who has a S/O who was an NYC police officer for half of his life, and who gives me facts and data to back up the claims that minorities make up 80% of all violent crime in the U.S., "police brutality" is less a problem than the minorities that choose to break the law, and kill for physical goods, perform

"be glad they're not murder bullets."

Torch, sometimes I think you might just be a guy who somehow got access to Jalopnik's passwords and has been engaging in a low-level troll campaign ever since.

Now playing

Elon Musk is going to build a Better Metal Snake!

I just bought one. 2014 i3 Rex. I love it...and I don't believe in global warming. Unfortunately, mines been in the shop all week. The check engine light in my electric car came on (irony I know). Misfire on cylinder 1. They are replacing plugs, wires, coils, and intake manifold gaskets. I'll get it back today

So is Virtual Console for many of these games. Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 8, and now even Mario Kart Super Circuit are all available...right there on the same system without having to hook up older consoles. Nintendo owns the rights to their games and can decide how they are sold and when.

"I'm here to talk to you about the Monster Mash Initiative."

The Avengers

Should be the new mascot for the wire-less TOW missiles.

I'll see your x-47B and raise you a BAE Taranis, for the full Cylonesque autonomous kill-bot experience.

Lets hope it doesn't come to that. I shudder to think what kind of horror some country could unleash if it became convinced that there was no risk to its own populace because of weapons like this. Noone wants to live in a world where war is that easy.

Death machine that cannot be killed.

The scary part isn't the looks...It's something else.
And well, if there will be an AI developed in the future without any hardware embedded limits to it, you know where this is headed.

It has no soul!

This one gets a resounding "meh" from me. If anything, it just looks futuristic.