Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager


The W140 S-Class. Because somewhat affordable luxobarge.

Now playing

An M5, not a M135i but still, I'll just leave this here.


Tell that to Afghan warlords and the Taliban, who have been able to effectively make their country ungovernable, even under siege from a technologically superior adversary.

I respect your opinion, but all this sensationalist fear mongering from one side leads only to more sensationalist fear mongering from the other.

*Brings nachos*

Matchbox leading the way

Slightly Viper-like.

I just recently came out of a extremely tough battle with depression, It's a scary thing to have your mind reach such a dark place.

Makes me wish I still lived in Florida (Crazy, I know)

Yeah, My grandpa used to own a blue one.

Simple answer


May not be the biggest seller but they sell well enough to remain in production ten years after they where introduced.

No, you're thinking the V-Rod and yeah it's still in production.


Can't wait till I rip off that splitter while entering a multilevel parking garage.

Not all Harleys are chromed-out midlife crisis two-wheeled sofas ridden by wannabe rebel suburbanites.

Well I'll be... A Goldwing I'd actually ride.