Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager

It's a symbol used to identify amateur drivers in Japan. Used by ricers in the states as a "JDM" Symbol. If only they knew hahaha

I got around 27, some repeated but appearing in a separate film cuts.

5,000 Gallons so more or less.

Best one I could find.

NASA Crawler.

Dat Engine.

It's a shame that F1 just seems to be spiraling into a spec series. What ever happened to the days of later thinking, run-what-ya-brung ingenuity?

You never trolled me, you never trolled your car! Watching the shiftlight, Granny Shifting, Not double trolling like you should. Lucky the final trollboost didn't blow the welds on your trolltake.

I flagged it "Best of Craglist"!

Not homosexual but I'm quite sure there must be some fellow Jalops that would take offense at your use of gay as a perjorative.

Best Starbucks ad ever! Oh wait...

I am The Hoon Depot Manager & I Approve This Message.

True, But the second-gen's quirkiness is a large part of it's appeal to me.

The Aston Martin Lagonda.

Al I ask for is...

And the obvious resemblance to the I, Robot Audi

Audi R8.