For very long that film had the coolest dragon ever :)
For very long that film had the coolest dragon ever :)
The Highlander opening and the pic from Dune both reminded me how I thought the other day (after watching Flash Gordon) how sad it is that rock bands don't provide the soundtrack for awesome Sci-Fi films anymore.
Haters gotta hate but that looks AWESOME.
Jack Harper? Why didn't they just call him Reacher and make it a sequel already.
Of course that scene was meant the way you interpreted it (because the prisoner is 45+) but I can't believe you put the word pedophile and age 17 in the same sentence. That's incredibly insulting. My gf was 17 when I was 24 and no one found that even remotely weird around here. But God bless American laws. *eyeroll*
Fincher is my favorite director. Star Wars are my favorite films. I am getting wet hands just thinking about it.
I can only shake my head at people going on about Greedo, but I really wanted the original Jabba Palace- and Ewok-songs on DVD. Those are the only SE changes that bothered me. Thankfully, I got them a couple of years ago, so I am not sure what you're talking about. Now I'd want them on Bluray too, of course.
I came here for Deep Blue Sea and was not disappointed.
I thought it was pretty believable that it wasn't easy for Miles to shoot Monroe, especially once the gun wasn't pointed at him anymore. He may have said that he should have shot him before but he still had all their backstory in mind. The scene worked for me. Just like (most of) the episode.
I know it's not Sci-Fi but I think Breaking Bad's season finale last year would have been a great way to end the show, too. (even though this summer's half season rocked)
Shocking. Where exactly did the kids get to buy them?
Star Wars changed my life, my way to watch films, view storytelling and maybe even life in general. I don't think there's been a day since the early 80s that I didn't think about it.
Entirely agree about Avatar. Best world-building since Star Wars. THAT's Sci-Fi.
I remember the first time I saw the Exorcist and there was a commercial for pea soup only a few minutes after this scene, hehe.
Needs more Deep Space Nine.
Reminded me of this.
I liked it very much. I am sad that this is doing so poorly in the US. People still prefer to see robots turn into cars instead of having to concentrate on the larger scale of things for three hours :(
It's true that the current wave of dystopian stories had to be represented, but I still would have replaced The Road with Avatar, which certainly had a bigger impact on Sci-Fi (and cinema, especially), even though people around here sometimes like to pretend it wasn't an important and incredibly well done film.
Okay, then! I'll give you the internet, but there are still maths, physics and chemistry and no witty reply can make me hate them less! Never!
I am not familiar with some of these because I am a man of language and hate science, but omg so cute!