As crazy awesome as shooting the post-credits scene at the premiere would be, I don't think that's possible, considering people already mention a scene after the end credits there: []
As crazy awesome as shooting the post-credits scene at the premiere would be, I don't think that's possible, considering people already mention a scene after the end credits there: []
Thank you!
I like that it's unclear who the bad guy is supposed to be.
Of course they can be racist. Or they just don't think before they talk. Or maybe they enjoy being politically incorrect. I've told horrible jokes about ethnic groups I am friends with. People are way too stuck up.
Yeah maybe people should just stop, get over it and watch other decent shows. Or watch it on DVD if they feel like it.
Thank God some director's go back to celebrating slowness instead of the shaky cam and editing craze. That's why Drive was so brilliant and why I am looking forward to Gravity.
People who prefer to watch this on their computer first are hopeless anyway.
1. Using a racial slur does not immediately make you a racist. Or shouldn't, at least.
Interesting, thanks! I assume the shipping is so bad for me because I am from Europe.
I was still kind of hoping Bardem's character in Skyfall would be called Anton Chigurh.
I would have been fine with 25 for the Tee. Shipping costs of 70 bucks stopped me now. Are they insane?
Turns out I am an idiot and sloppy reader. I thought the T-shirts were between 150 and 1200 Dollars :D
Aww man, I still thought we had no idea what the dark side looked like. There goes my limitless imagination.
I wanted to say "wants!" but then I saw the prices.
I was one of the few who was okay with The Walking Dead sticking to the farm during season 2. I am not sure I want another season with just one location, though.
I've seen it and while he did a decent job, I can think of dozens of directors that would deliver the same. Maybe even with less shaky cam.
You don't find me speechless all that often when it comes to sex, but that's...I don't even...
No. Dany said to her maid that the guy who got his head cut off would ride in the Night Lands that night.
Considering the episode was called The Night Lands, there was relatively little of Dany down under, but then again her adventures at this point are a little slow anyhow.
I love how she dragged it for 20 more meters after it was back on the ground :D