
I am not sure I would have guessed it's Freeman, if the clip didn't say so, but Bale is fantastic!

Would have worked better last Sunday, but still pretty amusing ;)

Entirely agree.

Looks like it spend some time in someone's cup board.

What? Resurrection had a rather happy ending with a whole crew surviving :P

Excellent. I am glad she doesn't get swept under the rug between all the big men.

They do.

I like Lindelof. His tweets are always smart and wonderfully politically incorrect. And he is spot on about prequels. I enjoyed the newer Star Wars trilogy, but he is absolutely right.

That's why you don't need a different president, you bloody fools.

Only a little more than three weeks until the Avengers assemble! So excited! Not sure why we get it first over here, but I'll let you know how it is! ;)

Now playing

My favorite was the Assassins Creed 3 announcement for Kinect. It was unbelievable how my feelings went from amazement to confusion to laughter.

I don't care! :D

I dunno, for me they can't really compare. I loved Lost, it may have been my favorite show ever. And I enjoy GOT a lot, but I've read the books, so there is not much of a surprise for me. I just hope they keep up the good work and keep getting the praise. But the place in my heart where Lost was is still vacant.

Not enough Mars and not enough Mutants.

Yessss....It'll make Ned Stark's death look like a garden party :D

Wow, love that concept art picture for the 7th Son.

I guess it was too much to ask for something fresh, that doesn't have a creature in the title that has been horribly overused for the last 20 years?

Entirely agree. There have been YA films that bombed pretty hard after all, like "I am Number 4". The film studios prefer to think in patterns, and sometimes that works for them, but I am always happy when they don't and unexpected releases rule ("Inception").

I am aware of the irony of saying this on an internet forum and I don't mean to defend Bay's oeuvre per se, but I kinda miss the times when directors didn't have to answer to angry internet fanbases and could just deliver every frikkin movie they desired, no matter how catastrophic the result.

Chloe tweeted: "I miss you NY my good luck charm :) booked #Hugo and now #Carrie there officially my goodluck charm"