Why can’t both be true?
Why can’t both be true?
Aidan could not be reached for comment.
Personally, I don’t care if the FLOTUS has semi-nude pics floating about, especially if she was a model. But, this is a good time to remember that many of the people now praising Melania were giving Michelle shit over showing her bare arms just a few years ago.
Deadspin usually doles out the sick Simmons burns. So, I guess my analysis here is that Collinsworth is on your corner.
He’s protesting the RESULTS of an election — you know, something the guy who won the election implied he, himself, would have done if he didn’t win. You act as if he is claiming we shouldn’t have elections.
There are reasons why it didn’t happen. Most notable is that pitchers can’t hit. People wanted MadBum to enter the home run derby; he has a career OPS 60 points below that of Rey Ordonez. So, to find a pitcher who can hit at the level of even a bad everyday player is exceedingly rare. And, if you did find one, the…
Further, I’m not sure what a lot of the people in those situations actually want. When I read/listen to the profiles of poor white Trump voters, I hear a lot of “the factory closed down” narratives. You used to be able to make a decent living with your hands, etc. ...Nobody is bringing that back! The lifestyle that…
Well, Ben Carson went to medical school. So, maybe that’s not the barometer we think it is.
Are you serious?
I agree that isn’t the entirety of his appeal. Shit is, indeed, complicated. ...And, I’d very strongly agree with the the idea those anxieties are linked to changing demographics. ...I think a lot of that is misplaced, but it’s there.
I agree it’s not just one thing. But, even my comment, that’s complicated too. ...I mean to be almost overly literal, if Obama is a white guy, Trump doesn’t even interject himself into the political space with the birther shit, right? He’s disinterested, etc., and - boom - we already may be out of a Trump presidency.
Gotta love those who claim Bernie really had the goods. I mean, he couldn’t beat the least popular major party candidate of all time, who ultimately went on to lose definitively to an unhinged reality TV star, but he’s great.
No. The reason Trump supporters wouldn’t have voted for Bernie is that he is a socialist and Jewish.
Yeah, I think the “Sanders would have won” fan fiction is a bit naive as well. Sanders was never really put under real scrutiny either. He’s a socialist, and therefore would have eventually been portrayed as a raving lunatic.
Earlier today, I mused to a friend - if the previous 8 years was exactly the same, but Obama was just some white guy, does Trump still win now? Impossible to know for sure. But, there was a very strong element of putting non-whites “back in their place” in all of this.
If people did that - then fuck THOSE people. Fivethirtyeight actually had Trump as less of an underdog than most polls.
It’s not that simple.
While there aren’t Cubs fans on the staff, you are aware that Deadspin’s founder is a Cardinals fan, right?
This was Ted Cruz’s best bet of the week.
I’d like to add that a substantial problem with those, most likely unintentionally tone-policing, is that it doesn’t matter. Kaep could wear those socks or be barefoot (and, yes, the socks were worn like a month ago). He could articulate his views in the most artful, directed, and cogent way possible, or he could…