
They should employ different knock sounds for slices of 10 & 1 hours and 10 & 1 minutes, for example.

Now playing

They do what they want 'cause God's Away On Business...

Ok! Got the intention, thanks.

Now playing

Beautiful photo and great shots. But why the animation is so choppy? Most of the time, tilt shift videos are more smooth, no? For example this one...

Object well executed but c'mon, no touch screen?!

Vimeo Plus feature :(

Thanks for the cue.

This phenomenon is call "Pareidolia".

"Automatic Termination" is not a bug, it is a useful process. It is suitable for people who can't quit apps they don't use leaving dozens of them running for nothing and after complains about the loss of speed of their Mac. Most average users just clic to close a document window and then think they have quit the app,

Ooops! Finally it was september the 3rd [they were just joking].

They sound terrible. Especially when in french dubbed in France then distribute in Quebec.

«You Could Be Eating Genetically Modified Corn—and Not Even Know It»

Is this the platform where they're going to execute high level felons?

Now they're looking for donations to build windows on their walls!

His he left handed?

IMO, they look like if they just had sex! But I'm probably deranged...

You say Royal Deluxe, it says everything! These guys are awesome.

Couldn't help myself...

Does it always come with makeup?

Hey Giz, why not start a "Too Photoshopped" Shooting-Challenge here?