
I personally had quit using MS Word to preserve my nervous system.

Or maybe it's simply the iPhone5 by itself but with the new antenna design!

Isn't the first iPhone G5 mockup?

I want a set on my car!

—> [Adopted]

eoWave make this kind of devices for years now. The art is the guy who had program the show!

They all seem to have a hangover!

No, it just reminds me something that came ten years before XP...

Spirograph? No, Sprayrograph ;o)

Even top secret emotions...

So, is this a... mirage?

Dada (1916-1925).

Maybe it was already pointed out by other commenters but why is there any official Gizmodo/Gawker app in he app landscape? I mean, a real good one that could finally become "App of the day"!

You Know what, I'm sorry with this. I was far away of thinking to make a troll statement or something. It was more like a «La Palice» truth figure of speech. But anyways, it's done and words are written... until they vanish!

NRA: Guns Are Totally Safe! (Unless You use it)

Or simply ≠

Terje Sørgjerd videos are awesome. Three thumbs up !

Exactly the one I remember!

His "Zen tactile computing interface" design concept is also a good vision of what should be touch technology IMO. With a slight relief on a touch device, a lot of problematics could be solved, starting with keyboards. This is what we're waiting for: haptic capable touch devices.

Ha ha ha ! Best comment of the day!!!