
Bravo sir, bravo!

This is funny. I laughed.

Hold up. So if i bid $2,000 and end up losing the auction, i still lose my $2000 and get nothing? I know its for charity and a good cause, but why do that? I would rather just donate the money without the crushing realization that i missed out on a pretty cool item.

Please go crawl in a hole and die already. You are wearing tired this post out.

This burning turd guy seems to hold the flag for the "bash Xbox" brigade. Some people cant let others be happy with their decision. It's just sad.

I have read this exact statement at least 10 times in various comment sections and I just wonder why someone wants to put their negative spin on a game that they "don't get".

This could be a good thing. I'm 29 y/o and have a tendency to become angry at horribly bad players in BF3, and I never know if its some kid in the 3rd grade. But perhaps I should work at taking the game less seriously.

Im not gonna sit here and say that i haven't been let down from a hyped up game. I remember when i purchased Fight Club for Xbox years ago after watching some flashy and misleading game footage (god that was a terrible game). But even if i had never read the all the hype surrounding Titanfall, and had just watched the

I laughed. Kudos.

Always like a Howard the Duck reference.

This game would be awful on a mobile device IMO. You need 2 thumb sticks (which is atrocious on phones and tablets alike) and at least 2 buttons (shooting, special moves and swapping weapons). Im just sad this isn't coming to Xbox right away.

I know there are plenty of other people who have made the "no single player=bad" argument before. Other shooters have campaigns that nobody even cares about (COD, BF) and only play them as tutorials. I never finished the BF3 campaign and probably never will. Just look at the re-release of Halo 3 and the tens of

As a person who has smashed a few controllers in my day (probably more since childhood) I am on board with this. I always pay for it in the end, but man is it satisfying for about 1 second.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh +3/4

This is funny, and i haven't kept up with Pokemon in 15 years. Well done.

Well done, that made me chuckle.

Well done, that made me chuckle.