Nick drives Stick (not Stig)

I think there is a good to fair chance that he was planning to build a new house on his plot anyways, and they cleverly used it in the script.

I see a lawsuit from the BBC in their near future!

The TFR clearly states that if your on an approved IFR flight plan or taking off or landing from a long list of airports, then you can fly through the airspace with ATC approval. That includes commercial and general aviation aircrafts.

You can’t get any of the current RS’s with a manual either, as far as I know.

Now playing

When going on an aerobatic flight, always eat bananas for breakfast... They won’t help you keeping your stomach content at bay, but they taste a lot better coming back up.

In Wan Chai, right next to the convention center there is an underground parking lot filled with hundreds of super cars... I’ll be in Hong Kong next month, and will stop by and take some pictures to share.

Kinda sounds like a two-stroke engine to me...

Looks a lot like a BRZ!

dammit, now I want a DeLorean!!!

I thought it was the head that popped off a first!!!!!

Me too...

Pretty sure that’s a c-class... or a lambo, dude!

Trump Tower is only 58 stories...? seems not nearly high enough for his ego!

Just put one of there on each vessel... Never misses its target. Problem solved!

In Mother Russia, driver gets dents, not supercar!

approaches the same probability of you waking up tomorrow as Katy Perry

Gawker... showing the world how to post the same video over and over again by finding it on different YouTube channels...

There’s a huge difference between high G loads that last a few seconds and the effects of G-forces over a prolonged amount of time.

Visit friends who have kids with ADHD... Steal kids medicine... Done!

Chris Harris is well on his way to super stardom... well done Chris, you deserve it!